More often than not, eating out is more about having a good time rather than getting good nutritious food. On some occasions, though, it could be that you really get healthy, nourishing food.
I usually eat out because it is not always possible to create exotic dishes in your own home kitchen. Even if you are able to do so, you will face great difficulties in assembling more than one dish on a single day of eating. The second reason, is, of course, getting the whole experience dished out by the restaurant. A theme restaurant is one example. I once visited a restaurant with a jungle theme in Mumbai. It had trees, manikins of animals, drum and wind rustling music, and dark cave-like seating places. Another example of an experience would be eclectic food that would be too much of a bother to learn to prepare by oneself. The third reason I can think of is to eat out with a group with similar likes and dislikes. Every visit I have made to a restaurant has been for one or more of these three reasons.
An aspect of dining out that I particularly enjoy is being able to eat at leisure, This does, however, beg an explanation. It is not that one CANNOT eat at leisure within one's home. It's just that at a well-heeled restaurant, one is able to enjoy this without worrying about someone knocking at the door, or you having to fetch the ready dish from the kitchen, or, as is usual, keeping an eye on things simmering on the stove or heating in the oven. All this adds up to too many distractions, and is certainly not something I would welcome when I am in the mood to enjoy my dinner!
Let me also tell you that there is yet another reason for me to eat out. This reason is about feeling as if you are embarking on a new adventure, discovering a new place to eat, or a new form of cuisine, or a new aspect of eating at a particular place that you haven't experienced before. The new aspect may be about eating in a different way - for example, an innovative buffet, or a barbecue that is working for you at the table where you sit (such as the one I enjoyed at Barbecue Nation at the Atria Mall in Worli, Mumbai); or, even something as exotic as eating in an underwater restaurant! Alternatively, it may be about meeting new people at your adjoining table, and making friends with them for life; finally, it may be that this is the one opportunity you have of advancing a relationship that was not going as well, or that you wish to take a step further.
Finally, for an NRI like me who stays overseas without his family, eating out with the family is joy unparalleled. It enables me to connect with my wife and daughters simultaneously in a quiet environment where we cannot easily shed our social masks and get down to an argument or unpleasantness that is often common in a family.
So, there. Why do you eat at a restaurant or eat out? Do share your own comments.